4300 Ashley River Rd
Charleston, South Carolina 29414

Garden Overview Tours, the Stableyards and African American Focus Tours are included in the admission fee. The Garden Overview Tour features a trained garden interpreter leading a 1/2 hour discussion of the garden design, history and horticulture. Tours depart from the Greensward near The Ruins daily on the hour from 10 am-3pm. During July & August , 10 am, 11am and 12pm. The Stableyards have been rejuvenated and feature a Jersey cow that is milked twice daily, Guinea hogs, and Gulf Cashmere sheep. Within the Stableyards, a weaver, cooper, carpenter, potter and blacksmith are at work demonstrating the skills practiced by artisan slaves a Middleton Place. These craft demonstrators and interpretive guides discuss slavery and plantation life. The African American Focus Tour explores the lives of African American slaves and freedmen at Middleton Place and other plantations. Please call 843 556-6020 for additional information.

Added by Upcoming Robot on July 30, 2010