1100 Trevilian Way
Louisville, Kentucky 40213

Have a great time watching Elephant Aerobics at 11 am and 4 pm, or see the gorillas do their thing at 2:30 pm. Giraffe Feedings take place at 11:30 am and 2:30 pm, and the Lorikeet Feeding goes continuously at Lorikeet Landing when the temperature is 55 degrees or above. Nectar may be purchased at the exhibit for $2 per cup. Tiger training takes place at 10:45 am, 2 pm, and 3:30 pm. Keeper Talks are 11 am & 2:30 pm at the HerpAquarium on Monday through Friday, and at the Islands Pavilion at 3 pm. Meerkat Enrichment takes place at 3 pm. You may also see a Pygmy Hippo Program at 11:30 am. All events and activities are subject to change without notice, so check for specifics when you arrive.

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 29, 2010