SF Camerawork's first D.I.Y. VISUAL MASH UP
Photographers, videographers, filmmakers and media artists this event is just for you! SF Camerawork, the Bay Area's only non-profit focused exclusively on contemporary photography and related visual image media, is hosting its first D.I.Y. visual mash up. This is a unique chance to have your work shown in front of other area artists while you enjoy music by DJ Der Blaue Reiter, special D.I.Y. hors d'oeuvres by White Star Events and an open bar. Four VJs will project your disc, slides, video or Super 8 film in random order throughout the galleries during the course of the evening. So, bring yourself and your work and prepare to mash it up!
Friday, July 13
6-9 p.m. (drop in anytime)
SF Camerawork, 657 Mission St., Second Floor, San Francisco
$10.00 per person; free to Camerawork members
www.sfcamerawork.org or 415.512.2020
Official Website: http://www.sfcamerawork.org
Added by suemking on July 3, 2007