D.I.V.A.S. ~ Divinely.. Inspired.. Virtually.. Aligned.. Sisters Are car pools, conference calls, relationships, and kids making it difficult to find time to reconnect with old friends, or to make new friends? Does life keep coming between you and a girl’s night out? Well, now is the time to slow down, embrace life and become a D.I.V.A ! Gather your friends and give them something different, something fun, and something inspirational. D.I.V.A. PARTIES are an experience that nurtures and inspires women by helping them get to know themselves, reconnect with themselves and trust their own inner guidance. Embrace the wisdom of the divine feminine energy within each one of us all while having fun! D.I.V.A. PARTIES are today’s woman’s Tupperware parties! D.I.V.A. PARTIES are a gathering of friends in the comfort of Inspired Journeys with a touch of lighthearted fun. From the simplicity of the welcoming circle to the informal reconnecting you will find inspiration woven throughout your evening. During the circle time we will share a bit about life, hopes, dreams and desires and then one by one, you and each of your guests are given a private Intuitive Soul Reading by either Veronica Drake or Rev. Anne Frances Rose PhD! You can find more information about Veronica Drake at www.veronicadrake.net Cost is $30 for a 20 minute reading. Email Events@InspiredJourneys.com or call 443-396-1282 to register.
Added by Inspired Journeys on July 17, 2010