9070 Venice Blvd.
Culver City, California 90232

The Actors' Gang is back with yet another unlikely Shakespearean romp for families. The Gang's Fourth Annual Summer-in-the-Park production transforms the bard's complex Cymbeline into the hilarious, kid-friendly "Cymbeline the Puppet King." Performances take place outdoors in Culver City's Media Park (adjacent to the Ivy Substation) every Saturday and Sunday morning from July 25 through August 30 at 11 am, and admission is FREE.

The Romans have taken over Britain, and British King Cymbeline is now known as the Puppet King. And the Puppetmaster?: His Roman wife! The wicked queen wants her stepdaughter, Imogen, to marry her son - "Cloten the Rotten" as he's known in some circles - so that he will become king. The princess disguises herself as a boy and runs away to the wilderness, where she befriends a mysterious old man and a boy raised by wolves. With these newfound friends, Imogen battles the Roman army, escapes marriage from the silly Cloten, and is reunited in the end with her father and... a twin brother? Music, merriment, and madcap adventures are in store. Not to mention a whole of slew puppets! It's fun for the whole family.

Official Website: http://www.theactorsgang.com

Added by lucypr on June 11, 2009

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