2286 Cedar St.
Berkeley, California 94709

Some social interactions can't be automated?yet, but technologies can certainly help folks pursue a quicker denouement.

The founders of online and offline career and dating services will
explain how new technology and new social norms are changing the way
people find love and money at the Hillside Club in Berkeley, on Sunday,
September 21.

Speakers include:

* Jonathan Abrams, CEO, Friendster
* danah boyd from UC Berkeley
* Julie Paiva, President, Table for Six
* Mark Pincus, CEO, Tribe
* Cynthia Typaldos, Principal, Typaldos Consulting
* Ned Engelke, Managing Director, North America, OIS/SmartFlirts

Doors open at 5.30; discussion starts at 7. A $15 donation is suggested to help fund the Hillside Club and cover food and drink. Table for Six is offering a door prize: a ticket to one of their events. RSVP to whoisylvia@aol.com if you're coming!

5.30 - 9.00 PM
The Hillside Club
2286 Cedar Street
Berkeley, CA 94709

Directions: From the Bay Bridge or Oakland and points south, take the University St. exit off 880, bear right and go straight (north) along the frontage road for about half a mile. Make a right onto Cedar Street and continue 2.3 miles. The Hillside Club is three blocks east (up the hill) of Shattuck Ave, between Spruce and Arch Streets, and there is parking in the neighborhood.

Added by marccanter on September 19, 2003

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