Have Your Cake and "See Wigs" Too! (B Day Bash 4/23 Retox SF)
Hello, CWiggz! fans:
Greetings to everyone, thank you so much for reading this, and may your life be a great adventure...
Okay, I got another cool event for you, and this one is special because it is my birthday show. That's right: a BD for CG. I'm gonna be parking myself at the Retox Lounge ( http://retoxsf.com ) in San Francisco next Thursday, April 23rd, at 8:30pm to hang out and play for you. So how 'bout coming down. You can get down with some cool music, enjoy some birthday cake, and meet some new people. And you'll be supporting me, your very own CWiggz!, by coming out.
Now doesn't that beat doing the laundry?
Admission is $5. I look forward to seeing you there!
p.s. If you haven't been in awhile, check out my website at www.cwiggz.com. I made some changes recently to it that I thought you'd like, such as recent live video recordings for you to show your friends!
Also, I'm on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/people/Chris-Goslow/627689674
What's more, I'm on twitter! http://twitter.com/CWiggz
And on myspace: www.myspace.com/cwiggzartist
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/cwiggzartist
Added by 200pockets on April 17, 2009