Cutie Honey is one of the prototypes of shojo (female youth) fighter characters in Japanese comics. This live-action film, based on Go Nagai's beloved manga from the early 1970s, is directed by Hideaki Anno (Neo Genesis Evangelion) in the form of what he calls "Digital Comic Cinema." Office temp Honey Kisaragi, actually an android Cutie Honey, with the help of detective Natsuko, fights against the Panther Gang to protect the I-System.
A brief introduction of the film will be given by Brian Camp, critic of film and popular culture. Mr. Camp writes extensively about Japanese popular culture and anime. He is a regular contributor to Animerica Magazine and the Program Manager for CUNY-TV/City University Television in New York.
Tickets: $10; Japan Society members, seniors & students $5.
Added by dagarrat on March 7, 2005