Would you like to know how to keep customers coming back again and again? Would you like to know how to convert customers into evangelists of your products and services? Then join Gina Gaudio-Graves, The JV Queen, and John Aberle of Aberle Enterprises as Gina talks about “How Can You Use Customer Loyalty Programs to Grow Profits?”
This is a teleseminar. It has a limit of 96 spaces available on the call. It starts at 3:00 PM Eastern / 12:00 PM Pacific.

Added by John Aberle on May 20, 2011



I'm looking forward to the teleconference tomorrow! It's going to be a LOT of fun talking about the various ways that you can use Customer Loyalty Programs to improve the "stick rate" on membership sites (i.e. the retention rate), get customers re-activated to make new purchases, and develop stronger brand loyalty among customers so that they start telling everyone they know about you and your products! Hope to see you there!

John Aberle

Thank you, Gina. I'm really excited about hearing what you have to share. I always learn something new or develop a deeper understanding so I can apply something better. That story you told on the Gold Challenge call a couple months ago about that one marketer's very effective customer loyalty program whetted my interest in how to do them better.