New York, California 10001

Tap into your fan base and leverage social networks! Brand enthusiasts can be recruited to become brand advocates for products that they love, including yours, spreading the word through their social networks, Facebook friendships and Twitter streams.

Want to expand your public relations and communications messages through low-cost peer-to-peer channels? Then it’s time for “crowd-sourcing.” Tune in to Paul Gillin and learn how to leverage customer creativity and build grassroots public relations and communications campaigns through examples of successful customer-generated advertising promotions and contests in both business-to-consumer and business-to-business contexts.

You will learn:

* Appropriate scenarios for applying crowd-sourced promotions.
* How to leverage social networks.
* How to generate ideas that spur customer creativity.
* Low-cost incentives that will build participation.
* The basics of measuring results.
* How to recruit brand advocates.


Paul Gillin is a writer, speaker and online marketing consultant. He specializes in social media and the application of Internet publishing to brand awareness and business marketing. Paul is a veteran technology journalist with more than 25 years of editorial leadership experience. His award-winning book, “The New Influencers,” was published in 2007, and his second book, “Secrets of Social Media Marketing,” was published in the fall of 2008. His Web site is and he blogs at
Member $150 / Non-Member $250

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Added by Pete Rolling on February 26, 2010