Arequipa is a province of great cultural and geographical wealth. The archaeological remains at Toro Muerto and the remains of rock art in the caves of Sumbay date from 5000-8000 BC Later in the fifteenth century, the regional cultures of the Collaguas and cabins were annexed to the Inca empire. According to the chronicler Cieza de Leon, "the healthiest and most pleasant of the villages of Peru." The city of Arequipa was founded in 1540 by Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro. Due to its strategic location in the mineral trade route between Potosi and Spain, many Hispanics of Basque origin settled in the comfortable land.
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Added by peruinfocuzco on May 18, 2010
A melhor opcion para conhecer a cidade sagrada dos Inkas e
la festa do inti Raymi
Cusco - Cuzco.