Okwui Enwezor
Monday, March 19, 2007
Lecture Hall, 7:30pm
“The Unhomely: Phantom Scenes of Global Society”
Okwui Enwezor is Dean of Academic Affairs and Senior Vice-President of SFAI, Adjunct Curator at the International Center of Photography, New York, and Artistic Director of the 2006 Seville Biennial (BIACS2) in Spain. Enwezor was Artistic Director of Documenta 11, Kassel, Germany and the 2nd Johannesburg Biennial. He has curated numerous exhibitions around the world, including Snap Judgments: New Positions in Contemporary African Photography; The Short Century: Independence and Liberation Movements in Africa, 1945–1994; Century City; Mirror’s Edge; In/Sight: African Photographers, 1940-Present; and David Goldblatt: Fifty-One Years. His books include Reading the Contemporary: African Art from Theory to the Marketplace (London: INIVA and Cambridge: MIT Press, 2000); Mega Exhibitions: Antinomies of a Transnational Form (Munich Fink Verlag, 2002); and Snap Judgments: New Positions in Contemporary African Photography (Steidl, 2006), which was awarded “Best Photography Book of the Year” at PhotoEspaña 2006, and also received the Deutscher Photobuchpreis 2006–2007. He is co-editor with Terry Smith and Nancy Condee of Modernity and Contemporaneity: Antinomies of Art and Culture after the 20th Century (Duke University Press, forthcoming 2007).
Official Website: http://www.sfai.edu/
Added by nolaksd on March 1, 2007