Welcome to the Bay Area first event dedicated to cupcakes!
CupcakeCamp is a place where cupcake lovers can come together to share their love for cupcakes. While this event mainly applies to people bringing cupcakes, feel free to just show up and enjoy eating them too! So if you love cupcakes and you want to show off your baking and creative skills join us!
We will have a Best in show competition! Categories for best in show: Best Themed Cupcake, Best Decorated, and Most Unique Ingredients (try to be more creative than just chocolate)
How do you participate:
1. Register online at girlfriendsonthemove.com as a baker or attendee.
2. Committ to bringing at least a dozen cupcakes for the audience to taste (No limit on how many cupcakes you can bring!)
3. Register you cupcakes by Friday, March 22nd at Noon.
4. Be prepared to take leftover cupcakes home.
5. Share your recipes! Request access to the CupcakeCamp PBwiki to share your cupcake recipes with other cupcake lovers.
6. Winners will win bragging rights and g.c. from our local sponsors valued at $25 each (this is a community fun event).
**you can:
- buy cupcakes to bring
- bake cupcakes to bring
- just eat cupcakes
Happy Baking!
Added by girlfriendkonnection on February 4, 2009
Also, you don't give the link to the CupcakeCamp wiki which is at http://cupcakecamp.pbwiki.com
Thank you!
How do I register as a baker? There's no where on the girlsonthemove site=( Also, when exactly is this? I saw one date that says March 28, & another one that says March 21. Please respond! Thank you=)
You need to re-write your own description for the event instead of just cutting and pasting my words - e.g. #3 says "bring your cupcakes to Get Satisfaction by 1:30" - Get Satisfaction is a venue in SAN FRANCISCO