6400 High Star
Houston, Texas 77074

The Baker-Ripley Neighborhood Center Culture Fest is taking place on Saturday, May 16 from 11 AM to 3 PM at the City of Houston Multi-Service Center, 6400 High Star.

Bring your family and enjoy live entertainment, free balloon sculptures and face painting, an ice cream eating contest for children and youth, ping pong tournaments and information booths.

We'll have delicious food for sale and local artisans will be selling their wares. Plus a dunking booth – 3 tries for $1.

Volunteers are also needed still for children's activities, set up and registration. Email Crodriguez@neighborhood-centers.org if interested.

Check out the video to see what happened at the last Culture Fest - http://www.youtube.com/neighborhoodcenters

Added by NeighborhoodCenters on April 17, 2009