Thousands of people have discovered that the new science of happiness provides a clear set of activities, tools, mindset changes, and interventions that are dramatically transforming people’s lives. We now know that happiness can be taught just like math, only happiness is easier and more fun than math for most people!
No one can make their best contribution to their families or society when they are depressed, unhappy, in fear, or stuck. Happy people make more money, live longer, have better relationships, are healthier, have more friends, cope better, and are more successful. Yet, you can’t simply “think your way” to happiness, and the common belief that “happiness is an inside job” falsely seduces people into thinking that’s all they need to know to be happy.
This workshop is your launching pad to discover the science of happiness and to create an intention for your life to become the happiest ever. No one is going to hand happiness to you on a silver platter; you have to take the initiative to make it a priority in your life.
Three happiness experts with a combined 40 years of happiness experience are your instructors and facilitators, blending actionable research from the science of happiness into a deliciously fun program. The weekend is especially designed to help you experience more happiness on a consistent, ongoing basis long after the workshop is over and to skyrocket your life in a positive, purposeful direction. The instructors are especially skilled at making the class a safe and comfortable place for you to learn and grow.
You'll learn how to:
- Optimally connect and align with your highest purpose.
- Transform your day with numerous happiness boosters that are simple to do.
- Shatter the myths of happiness that hold us all back from true, intentional, sustainable happiness.
- Understand the multifaceted components and layers of happiness, including flow, meaning, engagement, and more.
- Meet other happiness workshop participants and make life-long friends.
- More powerfully relate with your loved ones.
- Embrace and reduce negative emotions such as fear, anger, and sadness.
- Make the commitment that your happiness is vital to you, your loved ones, and the world.
- Locate and re-interpret specific thinking patterns that will bring you more happiness.
- Be happier in the world in which we live, in spite of your genes and your circumstances.
- Have plenty of time to ask specific questions directly to the experts.
Your happiness teachers: Dr. Aymee Coget, founder of the Happiness Makeover, CEO of the American Happiness Association, and named “the Suze Orman of happiness” according to the New York Times; Sandi Smith, neuroscientist, CPA, and fear expert: one of a handful of women who has co-piloted a single-engine airplane around the world; and Bob Nozik, MD, Professor Emeritus at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco, Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor Science Advisor, and Dr. Happy columnist.
Who should attend: Anyone who wants to learn more about the new science of happiness, coaches, business professionals, counselors, moms, helping professionals, health care professionals, and more.
Spend two days in September 2009 in an extraordinary way: Clear your calendar, and be a part of this ground-breaking and life-changing event.
Your workshop fee helps to fund our outreach programs for children, at-risk youth, foster families, seniors, veterans, and others. Investment of $308.00 includes two days, workbook, two lunch meals, and a 1-year AHA Classic membership.
Official Website:
Added by American Happiness Association on July 2, 2009