March25-27, 20080900-1800 hours each day
This course enhances the training skills of Training Managers, Training Coordinators, and Training Officers. This exciting 3-day course provides students with the tools and skills to train new dispatchers in a formal personalized one-on-one training atmosphere using some of the following methods:
Learn innovative and new teaching methods
Learn or enhance the ability to evaluate the skill set of a trainee
Develop an on the job training program
Enhance and develop skills in communication, counseling and conflict resolution
Instructor: Melissa Hernandez, San Diego County Sheriff's Department
P.O.S.T. Plan II
What Others Have Said About This Course
"Melissa was fun and professional. She was a good trainer for this class."
"Class was handled very nicely, covered the material, and definitely encouraged involvement from all present. Well done."
"I enjoyed the whole class!"
For additional information or questions, contact Melissa Hernandez at
training@sdapsd.org, or by calling 619.342.7344
Prerequisite: Must be currently employed by a public safety agency
For information about the training venue, Marina Village, click here
Classes presented by the San Diego Association of Public Safety Dispatchers are certified by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training and meet the continuing professional training requirements for California public safety dispatchers.
Organized by San Diego Association of Public Safety Dispatchers
The San Diego Association of Public Safety Dispatchers (APSD) develops and presents training courses for public safety dispatchers.
Classes presented by APSD are certified by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training and meet the continuing professional training requirements for California public safety dispatchers.
APSD works in conjunction with existing law enforcement, fire/EMS associations and resources to bring the needs and concerns specific to communications to the forefront. APSD is an independent, non-profit association made up of fire and law enforcement communications center managers, supervisors, phone and radio dispatchers in San Diego County.
APSD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organizationTax I.D. 04-3730953
Ticket Info: Attendee, $225.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/236814318/upcoming