175 Quaker Farms Rd
Southbury, Connecticut 06488

We made it through another winter and are about to enter the best months of the year for photography! Let's start the season off strong with our spring kick-off meeting on Saturday, April 19th!

Thanks to Randy for his help organizing this shoot! I know many members have been eagerly awaiting this meeting.

Here's the agenda:

8:00am - Early Birds Meet at Kettletown State Park
1400 George's Hill Road - Southbury
Kettletown State Park Info and Directions
Randy has offered to meet any early birds at 8am at the front entrance of Kettletown State Park. This would offer some nice opportunities for early morning wildlife activity and is about a 10 minute drive from Southford Falls.

10:00am - Southford Falls
175 Quaker Farms Road (Route 188) - Southbury
Southford Falls Info and Directions
The main meeting will begin at Southford Falls at 10am. We can meet by the information area where the trail maps, etc, are posted. This is one of my favorite local spots to shoot, with subjects ranging from the waterfall to a covered bridge, the river, and the nature trails.

I expect we will wrap up at Southford Falls around noon and will decide on a place to eat at that time.

Audubon Bent of River
185 East Flat Hill Road - Southbury
Audubon Bent Of River - Official Site
More Info & Directions
After lunch, we will head to Audubon Bent of River in Southbury. Though I haven't been here myself, it sounds like there will be lots of variety here as well.

Official Website: http://www.flickr.com/groups/ctflickrmeetup/discuss/72157604234948524/

Added by IntricatePerspectives on March 2, 2008



Sounds interesting. I think I may want to go.


Hope to see you there!


Wow, I just signed on and would love to check things out, I'll be there if I can. Beelzebob


It was great fun! This is certainly an enthusiastic group of folks.