492 Black Rock Turnpike
Redding, Connecticut 06896

Ed (shrp11) is organizing our June meetup. Here are the details from Ed:

We'll be doing two stops in lovely Redding, CT - right smack dab in the middle of Fairfield County - with a variety of shooting options.

10am: Putnam Memorial Park - Redding

Address for GPS/MapQuest:
596 Black Rock Turnpike (Rt. 58) in Redding should take you to the intersection of Rt. 58 and 107. Turn onto Rt. 107 and park in the main parking lot.

NOTE: This does not match the address on their website, but that address is a distance from the intersection with 107. A few major mapping software applications all show that #596 will take you to the right intersection.

We'll meet at the main parking lot on route 107 where the information center is located.

Ed has decided to kick us off here as the light should be good for shooting ruins of encampments and inside the museum and clubhouse. We'll save the afternoon light for New Pond Farm.

We'll have lunch at 12 pm - it's best to bring a lunch as both sites are located far from restaurants. There are plenty of picnic areas at Putnam Park, but it's also possible to picnic at New Pond Farm - I'll leave that choice up to you.

1:15pm: New Pond Farm - West Redding
Address for GPS/MapQuest: 101 Marchant Road, West Redding

Our second stop begins at 1:15 PM at the lovely New Pond Farm. Ed chose this as the second stop as the afternoon light should begin to cast shadows over the farm, its structures and its rolling hills.

It might be a good idea to walk the trails first, then approach the open areas as the light gets lower.

We'll meet at the gravel parking lot next to the large, new structure that houses the information and educational center (not the old yellow building).

Lots of stuff at New Pond, so the end time is open.

Both sites have indoor facilities and many areas to just hang out.

Our rain date is the next day, Sunday, June 7th.

Hope to see everyone there, please respond in this thread if you can make it.

Official Website: http://www.flickr.com/groups/ctflickrmeetup/discuss/72157618594027797/

Added by IntricatePerspectives on May 23, 2009