900 Bridgeport Ave.
Shelton, Connecticut 06484

For December, I would like to try more of a social meetup than our typical "go out and shoot" agenda. Our group discussions receive very positive feedback, but have always been limited to conversations over lunch or at the tail end of a meetup.


-- Member Introductions
-- Preview Our 2010 Schedule!
-- Photo Backup Strategies
-- Best Locations
-- Open Discussion

There will be plenty of time for members to ask any questions you might have. Anything is allowed – technical, artistic, group direction, etc.

I will bring along copies of some articles which can spark discussions. So far, I have found valuable information in the following articles:

-- 10 Questions to Ask When Taking a Digital Photo
-- 16 Digital Photography Tips for Christmas
-- 9 Tips for Getting Backgrounds Right
-- 11 Surefire Landscape Photography Tips

These articles may include some technical information, but most of the information will be valuable to photographers at any level (and with any camera). They go beyond the standard suggestions and we can also brainstorm our own ideas.

I also have a list of questions and topics which will keep the discussion active in case there are not many questions from the group.

I am expecting a very fun day with interesting conversation and knowledge sharing. Though it is a very busy time of the year, I hope many of you will be able to participate!

Official Website: http://www.flickr.com/groups/ctflickrmeetup/discuss/72157622856787812/

Added by IntricatePerspectives on December 4, 2009