Real Estate Mastermind Group Meeting
Monday, May 21 - 5:15 to 7:00 pm
Comfort Inn. 900 East Main Street. Meriden, CT
Learn More at
This Exclusive Event is for You if you are a:
- Coaching Students and/or
- CT REIA members with 2 or more buildings and/or
- CT REIA members who have done 5 or more transactions
Increase your business through the power of group interaction.
Why do it all alone and learn everything the hard way when you can use the power of OPB - Other People's Brains. It's becoming easier than ever to find and connect with the people who share your interests - your tribe, so to speak. By joining forces, you can accelerate your learning and improve your results.
About The Mastermind Group
The CT REIA mastermind group's purpose is to share thoughts, ideas, opinions and information. To be successful, it is also important to be supportive, and industry-based. When we create a group that is industry-focused as in real estate, we gain the ability to see things not only from our own perspective, but also with the collective group experience, we have the ability to see things from a new and different perspective. It is from that collective process... we can tap into new ideas. As individuals, we cannot achieve this on our own because our own views are limited, but with a real estate mastermind group, the possibilities for expansive thinking are endless.
Apartment Owners Association Of Connecticut Meeting
Monday, May 21 - 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Comfort Inn. 900 East Main Street. Meriden, CT
Learn More at
Bring A Guest For Free
Go to registration page at then:
1 - Check the "Add Guest" box and enter the person's name.
2 - Enter the promo code Guest521 in the Promo Code box.
3 - Click Continue and you will see the discount applied.
You Will Learn
"Fear" No more, Meet one of Connecticut's most successful Real Estate Investors... Our mystery guest speaker will share with you how he started with just "one" two family house and expanded to several hundred! Yep... It all started with just one!
* How his entire operation runs on "systems" and putting a "super" great team in place.
* How to interview for a Real Estate Agent that will work for YOU!
* Best and most economical places to buy products
* How to "really" take more time off!
* How to pass this business on to your kids!
* How to accumulate a Million $$$ in Assets with-in 12 Months...
Insert from the Hartford Courant - April 1, 2012
New home construction is struggling to get its footings in Connecticut, but there's a building boom in the making for one kind of housing that you might not expect: Apartments. The driving force: Apartment vacancy is expected to fall to less than 3 percent this year in the Hartford area, making it one of the strongest markets in the country.
Official Website:
Added by CTREIA on May 11, 2012