Margaret Ann Lembo, Angel Therapy Practitioner and owner of The Crystal Garden in Florida will provide a crystal intensive for us on September 1, 2, and 3. The purpose of thisLevel I course is to provide an in depth study, experience and understanding of spiritual healing with crystals, colors and the chakras. Increase your awareness of your chakras and how color, thoughts and feelings affect your reality. Learn to heal yourself and others - mentally, emotionally and spiritually - through a deeper understanding of each of the body's energy centers. This class will teach you about clear quartz crystals, the chakras, color therapy, reading and balancing energy of the body, laying on of stones, clearing negative energy, color as it relates to each of the chakras. We will cover the 7 chakra system and colored gemstones, clear quartz crystals. Required Reading prior to class are the following books which are available at Inspired Journeys store, Crystal Enlightenment by Katrina Raphael and Women’s Book of Healing by Diane Stein. A certificate is provided upon the successful completion of the course. Cost $222. Prepayment required. Email or call 443-396-1282 to register. Space is limited so register early!
Added by Inspired Journeys on July 17, 2010