35 Cambridge Park Drive
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140

CRY America is delighted to present Walk 2006, its annual charity walk for child rights. Now in its' 3rd year, this event is a popular way for concerned individuals to show their support, while
having a rollicking good time.

By participating, you wil help ensure that children have the freedom to exercise their basic rights - to education, health, a warm and loving family, and fun - in short, to a happy childhood.

We urge you to take a walk in the right direction ... walk for child rights.

Distance : 3.1 miles/5K
Venue: Minuteman Bikeway Pathway in Cambridge by the Alewife T Station

Venue Address for Directions:
35 Cambridge Park Drive
Cambridge, MA 02140

Registration Fee :
Students Walk/Run - $15.00
Adult Walk/Run - $20.00
Couple Walk/Run - $35.00
Family Walk/Run (4 Adults) - $60.00

(Free T-Shirts, Snacks & Drinks for every registrant)

For more information call - 978 761 2817
or email us at : boston@cryamerica.org

All donations 501(c)(3) tax deductible. All proceeds go to supporting underprivileged children.

Official Website: http://www.america.cry.org/events_details.asp?eventID=121

Added by 10dulkar on June 28, 2006

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