2600 W. Jefferson St.
Joliet, Illinois 60436

Cruz'n for Kids Car Show Fundraiser benefits the programs and services provided by Child Care Resource & Referral. All classes and models of cars, trucks, and motorcycles will be featured.

Awards: Top 50, Best Paint, Best Engine, Best Interior, People's Choice & Kid's Pick.

-Dash Plaques to the first 200 Participants.
-Goodie Bags & Door Prizes for the Participants.
-Two 50/50 Raffle Drawings
-Raffle Prizes

Car Show Participant fee is $10 per vehicle entry.

Music by: Tim Dodge - Your Request DJ Service.

Sponsorship opportunities available!
For more information contact Karen Nall
at 815-741-1163 ext.221 or knall@childcarehelp.com.

Official Website: http://www.childcarehelp.com/pdf/Car%20Show%20Event%20Flyer%20(P).pdf

Added by karen.nall on May 3, 2010

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