n the second Cross Platform show, we are doing things a bit different. This time we are putting all the proceeds towards Penny Arcade's Child's Play charity. It should be a fun show. The line up so far is:
MC Tom Anderson
Jeff Reitman
Luke Lockfeld
Adam McLaughlin
Sammy Obeid
Joe Klocek
Invite as many people as you can think of. I would love to sell out the room and give a nice chunk of change to the charity. Tell your coworkers, tell you friends, tell your enemies... if you need a flyer to put around the office, let me know and I can hook you up!
Tickets are $10 ahead of time $12 at the door. at least $7 from each ticket will go to the charity and we will have a donation bucket there. Tickets can be purchased at: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/48932
And yes that says Addition and not Edition because we are adding money to charity! (or I just f'ed it up and facebook won't let me change it).
Official Website: http://www.clubhousecomedy.com/
Added by sfccnewtalentshow on December 4, 2008