Cella Gallery is thrilled to present Edward Walton Wilcox's second solo exhibition in Los Angeles this year, "Crimes of Romance." This exhibit features the gamut of Wilcox's diverse and dark imaginations, including paintings, drawings, installation and sculpture. A follow up from his March show, "Are You Going With Me?" in West Hollywood, "Crimes" leaves the world of tabloid imagery and exposes his darkest dreaming; hand-carved Gothic altarpieces stand eight feet high while young maidens in nightgowns and child-size skeletons are captured in landscapes of blazing windmills. The opening reception will be hosted by Wilcox collectors Natalie Zea, from ABC's Dirty, Sexy Money and Travis Schuldt (Scrubs, NBC) on the evening of October 16.
Appropriate for all ages
RSVP info@cellagallery.com or 213.291.7908
Official Website: http://www.cellagallery.com
Added by crazydiamond on October 4, 2008