oCredit Crunch vs Carbon Crunch
As the recession begins to bite, does investing in environmental improvement makesound economic sense?
The UK economy is in a deep recession, perhaps the most severe for 100 years. Conventional wisdom says that the tougher the financial climate, the further environmental issues slip down the agenda. But is this the best way to weather the economic storm?
In this free question-time style debate, leading industry and environmental speakers will provide voices of optimism, caution, controversy and experience on this topical issue, exploring the pitfalls and opportunities of investing in environmental improvements in the current economic climate.
Start: 6.30pm for free refreshments, debate starts at 7pm sharp
Finish: the debate finishes at 8.15pm for refreshments, event finishes at 9pm.
Do you have a burning question for our debate panel? Has momentum stalled, your CSR budget been slashed, or your ideas no longer finding a home? Submit your panel questions in advance to
Confirmed Speakers
Cllr Keith Moffitt Leader of Camden Council Councillor Keith Moffitt became Leader of the Council following the local elections in May 2006. He was first elected as a Liberal Democrat Councillor for West Hampstead in 1994 and has been a resident of the area for over 30 years.
Keiths special interests on the Council include recycling, climate change, disabilities, library services, parks and licensing. He sees one of the biggest challenges in Camden as tackling the boroughs profound health and wealth inequalities, and wants to make Camdens diversity a source of strength.
He previously had a 20-year career with British Coal, working in International Relations and European Community affairs, and finally a senior post in Corporate Affairs. He was Chairman of the United Nations Working Party on Coal Trade from 1986 to 1992.
Adam Fenner, Partner Olswang (Debate Chair) Adam is a Partner in the Corporate Group, head of Equity Capital Markets and co-head of Olswang's Climate Change and Cleantech groups.
Adam is a corporate and securities lawyer. He is a named expert for Corporate Finance, mid market, in the UK Chambers and Partners directory 2008/2009 and is ranked as a Leading Individual for Flotations: Small and Mid-Cap in the Legal 500 directory 2008/2009.
Adam frequently speaks abroad on matters relating to international capital markets, is Chairman of the International Group of the Quoted Companies Alliance and a member of the International Advisory Board to the Ariav Committee, Israel.
Guy Mercer - Associate Director, Corporate Sustainability Atkins A chartered environmentalist with 14 years experience in environmental and sustainability consultancy, Guy has worked internationally in the provision of advice and support to a variety of clients on issues such as environmental strategy, climate change and emissions trading. He has project experience in the UK, UAE, USA, Germany, Greece, Croatia, Hong Kong/China, Singapore and India.
Dr Robert Cohen Technical Director, Camco (ESD) Dr Robert Cohen has 25 years experience of energy in buildings and is Technical Director at Camco who he joined in 1999. He advises the UK governments CLG on the Energy Certificates displayed by public buildings in England and Wales and sits on the associated CEN Standards Committee. Over the last two decades, Robert has led several landmark projects aimed at improving the energy performance of buildings in the UK and across the EU.
Roger Madelin Joint Chief Executive, Argent Roger has been at the property company Argent for 22 years. Argent has a 50% interest in the King's Cross Central General Partnership and is the development and asset manager for the whole of the 67 acres of railway lands between and to the north of King's Cross and St. Pancras stations. At King's Cross Argent is delivering exceptional performance above minimum standards.
Since the late 1980s Argent has led the charge for more energy efficient and sustainable buildings, in 1991 one of Argents designs achieved one of the first BREEAM Excellent Ratings. From 1994 all of Argents buildings have achieved high standards of environmental sustainability.
Roger was awarded a CBE in 2007 for Services to Sustainable Development.
Argent is passionate about the environment and is delivering, but for this debate, Roger will take on a different guise and speak out against 'the time wasting' tokenism that has become the new religion!
Organized by Camden Climate Change AllianceThe Camden Climate Change Alliance is an exciting new partnership between Camden Council and its strategic partners focused on cutting carbon emissions in Camden.
It comprises a network of Camden based organisations, of all sizes and across all sectors, working together to make a bigger difference in reducing their emissions than they could otherwise do alone.
Ticket Info: Ticket, Free
Official Website: http://cccaspringdebate-upcoming.eventbrite.com