Central Park West
New York, New York 10023

'Creatures of Light' introduces visitors to the astonishing variety of bioluminescent organisms and explores the various ways they glow, the functions of bioluminescence, and how scientists study this remarkable characteristic. The exhibition unfolds through a series of immersive environments, beginning in a forest of bioluminescent mushrooms and taking visitors through a meadow filled with fireflies, a bioluminescent bay in Puerto Rico, coral reefs, and the deep sea to highlight the ways in which different animals use bioluminescence to attract mates and prey, and to threaten predators. Along the way, see live flashlight fish and special equipment, including a scale model of a deep-sea submersible.

Added by Upcoming Robot on June 8, 2012


Eddie k

Curitiba / Paraná not rio grande do norte . we´re in south Brazil and norte means north lol.

Yeah... im going to the show tonight... c you guys there :D