Each week you and your child will explore a different theme through stories and art! During each class your child will create TWO unique art projects to bring home. All projects are age appropriate, and materials are non-toxic.
The following themes were created to compliment the music class, Creatures at the Ocean offered back to back with this class
Week 1 Ahoy There
Week 2 On My Beach Blanket
Week 3 Coastal Waters
Week 4 Riding the Waves
Week 5 In the Deep Blue Sea
Class fees include tuition, all art materials and a weekly snack.
Each week you and your child will explore a different theme through stories and art! During each class your child will create TWO unique art projects to bring home. All projects are age appropriate, and materials are non-toxic.
Week 1 Ahoy There
Week 2 On My Beach Blanket
Week 3 Coastal Waters
Week 4 Riding the Waves
Week 5 In the Deep Blue Sea
Class fees of $95 include tuition, all art materials and a weekly snack.
For more information contact Holly Lesnick at holly@growandsing.com, http://www.growandsing.com, 407-970-2774. "Connecting Families Through the Magic of Music"
Official Website: http://www.growandsing.com
Added by growandsing on May 8, 2008