At the Zoomazium at 10:30 am each day, get up close to live furred, feathered or scaly animals. Meet the star from a puppet story. Practice observation skills to discover who's in the Mystery Box. Design a play space for a curious creature and watch as it explores. Morning programs are geared toward toddlers and afternoon programs are suited for pre-school and older. At 11:30 daily, Toddlers and caregivers are invited to sing, dance and play instruments to animal and nature-themed music. Nature Exchange happens daily from 1 pm to 3 pm--Staff at Nature Exchange love to hear about the exciting things children see in nature and at the zoo. Bring in drawings, photos, research or collect nature items and earn points to trade for the natural items in our ever-changing collection. * Programs may be canceled without notice. Please see signs at zoo entrances for the latest schedule.
Added by Upcoming Robot on March 29, 2011