197 Piccadilly
London, England W1J 9LL

Rupert Sheldrake, innovative biologist and pioneer of consciousness research, and Andrew Cohen, visionary spiritual teacher and evolutionary philosopher, will join each other for a dialogue illuminating new insights in the interface between science and spirituality. In this exchange, they will explore the nature of creativity, habit and freedom. Viewing these fundamental qualities of life from both the scientific and spiritual lenses, they will highlight ways that human beings evolve at the most fundamental level of existence - that of consciousness itself. This evening promises to be a fascinating and illuminating exchange, as these two thinkers delve more deeply into what we currently know about the building blocks of evolution and of the mysterious spiritual compulsion towards the creativity and freedom that lies at the heart of the human experience.

Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and the author of more than 75 technical papers and nine books. He studied natural sciences at Cambridge and philosophy at Harvard and was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, where he was director of studies in biochemistry and cell biology. His most recent book is The Sense of Being Stared At and Other Aspects of the Extended Mind (Hutchinson, 2003). In 1999 his book, Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home and Other Unexplained Powers of Animals, was the winner of the British Scientific and Medical Network Book of the Year Award.

Andrew Cohen, spiritual teacher, cultural critic, revolutionary idealist, and founder of award-winning EnlightenNext magazine, is dedicated to inspiring as many as possible to be responsible for the greatest task there is—evolving consciousness and creating a new culture together. He has been teaching for over 20 years, and has a network of students and centres that span the globe.

Visit: www.sheldrake.org
Visit: www.andrewcohen.org

Added by davependle on March 20, 2009

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