605 Main Street
Middletown, Connecticut

February 6, Saturday, 1-4 pm, $15 Please register with Eileen
Creative Writing Workshop - A Novel Idea!

Hello fellow writers!

Did you make a New Year’s resolution to actually write that great story that’s been locked inside your head? Here’s your chance! Join me on Saturday, February 6, 2010 for this exciting and productive three-hour, hands-on workshop that will set you on your way to writing your novel. Here we will begin at the very beginning of the process of writing your novel, that is, the inception of your idea. Then we will work through drafting a plot sentence, developing an intimate relationship with your main characters, drafting an ending to your story, blocking out your chapters and finally, writing that all important first line of the first chapter of your novel. It may seem daunting to have to do all this work before even writing the first line, but if we can accomplish this in three hours, imagine what you can do when you are actually writing your novel.

In this workshop, we will also explore important poetic techniques that will help you to write more concisely, build more tangible images, and create more colorful and intriguing narrative and dialogue!

Often, when we decide we want to write a novel, we become overwhelmed with the enormity of it. This workshop will alleviate that pressure, allowing you to actually enjoy the process of writing.

All of this for only $15! In these hard economic times, there is no reason you can’t fulfill your creative desires and your New Year’s resolution! Registration is required, so email me to register at EileenRain@aol.com.

Don’t miss this opportunity! Email me today!


Official Website: http://www.buttonwood.org

Added by thebuttonwoodtree on January 30, 2010

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