211 E 2nd St
Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449

Are you interested in creative writing? Are you working on a novel, a short story, or poetry? Are you trying to write your family history or a personal memoir? Do you keep a journal or blog online? Are you interested in improving your writing skills and abilities? Are you interested in getting published but just not sure where to start? Are you interested in meeting and networking with other local writers?

If you answered "yes" (or even just "maybe") to any of these questions, then consider attending one of our FREE creative writing workshops.

We meet on the SECOND THURSDAY of the month (January through October), from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Marshfield Public Library. There is no membership fee and you don't have to commit to coming every month, nor do you need to stay for the entire two hours. We're flexible. Come and go as your schedule permits. (Just remember, you get back what you put in....So, if you're serious about writing, you should consider making a serious commitment to yourself and this group).

During our meetings any or all of the following usually takes place:

- We discuss our writing, our goals and progress.

- We do some writing exercises to get the creative juices flowing (bring a pen and plenty of paper).

- We share resources and information about writing, publishing, and other topics of interest.

- We support each other within a nurturing and creative network of writers and artists.

- We hold an OPEN MIC on the last Friday of the month (January through October) where we share our writing before a live audience (reading at the open mic is optional).

If you’re interested, just show up! If you have questions or want more information about who we are and what we do, contact Doug at orangeclothing@yahoo.com.

Added by orangeclothing on December 10, 2008



We had a good turn out for the the January meeting...some new faces and a lot of enthusiasm. If you're interested in creative writing and want to meet other local writers, this is a great opportunity. Hope to see you there! ~doug

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