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Across America, Florida

Learn the keys to Creative Finacing for Real Estate Investors
with Lori Greymont, CEO Summit Assest Group

REGISTER NOW AT: http://webinar22-web.eventbrite.com

Low on Funds to Invest? Learn how to buy at least one investment property this year using creative financing techniques.
During this free and focused Webinar, Lori Greymont explains how to use three proven techniques to creatively structure a deal. With houses available at rock bottom prices and a hot rental market, now is a great time to create a cash-flowing portfolio of rental properties. The challenge? Most investors are short on cash. Lori's three creative techniques enable you to use your ambition as collateral to purchase properties for cash flow. What kind of cash flow? How hard are you willing to work? $10,000/month in rent can be yours with 10 houses or less in your portfolio. Register now for this free webinar and increase your income forever! Participation is strictly limited to allow for questions. Reserve your spot today!

We look forward to meeting you online!

Official Website: http://webinar22-web.eventbrite.com

Added by SUSAN HARE on June 9, 2011

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