588 Broadway
New York, New York 10012

Saturday, APRIL 26
10:00 – 1:00pm
Do you sometimes feel your life is all work and no play? How often do you take the time to check in and find out who else is there besides the overly responsible one? This workshop is about entering the sacred space of play, that hallowed sanctuary where only the mystery of what’s unfolding here and now is of any relevance. Using paper, pen, color, movement or sounds, we will connect to that which wants to be known in us and revel in our own creativity. Expect to do some timed writings, create mandalas or collage. Expect to be moved. Expect the unexpected. http://www.villagezendo.org/sections/moreinfo/2008_creativity.html

Fee: $25

Limited to 15. Register early. Email: bo2@nyu.edu

Barbara Joshin O’Hara, MA. LCSW , a Zen sensei and a psychotherapist, is interested in exploring the unique role of play in being fully human.

VILLAGE ZENDO, 588 Broadway, Ste 1108 www. villagezendo.org

Official Website: http://www.villagezendo.org/sections/moreinfo/2008_creativity.html

Added by villagezendo on April 16, 2008

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