We do our best work in a spirit of play, for the sake of the game, without fear of the consequences. Many of the great discoveries, in life, in art and every field of endeavor, come in a state of relaxed attention, or attentive relaxation.
Bring a current life project for which you would like fresh juice and direction - or be ready to hatch a new one - and join us for a fun new adventure in Active Dreaming, storymaking, creativity and healing. We'll get in touch with the magical child in each of us who knows the power of making things up. We'll grow wonderful vibrant energy in the circle, and develop spontaneous rituals.
We'll learn that manifesting the best of life requires us to marry the wisdom of the body to the purpose of the Higher Self, and bring the "daily trivial mind" along, laughing. We'll discover that the passions of the soul work magic, and leave with braver stories, tools and talismans for re-enchanting our lives and our world.
Workshop schedule: Saturday 1:00-9:00 PM, Sunday 10AM-1 PM. Please note we are following a "creative" schedule here! We'll take a dinner break on Saturday around 5:30 PM, and go play coincidence games while we nosh and stroll around the Marina district.
Tuition: $225 if paid in full by July 31, $265 thereafter. Students: $195. Please make checks payable to "Robert Moss" and mail to Jane Carleton, P. O. Box 3250 Walnut Creek, CA 94598
$265, $195 Students.
Official Website: http://mossdreams.com
Added by FullCalendar on July 30, 2009