32 Vassar St.
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Creative Commons holds its second technology summit in Cambridge, MA. The summit will focus on the application of Semantic Web technologies to Creative Commons', Science Commons' and ccLearn's missions. Topics covered will include ccREL/RDFa, the Neurocommons project and an update on the Universal Education Search (metadata-enhanced search) project. Featured presentations: copyright registry interoperability by Safe Creative and Registered Commons, and a report from the Queensland Treasury on their use of licensing and metadata. We’ll also have presentations from within CC — a report on open source knowledge management from Science Commons and an update on what’s next for RDFa.

The full program is available online.

More about Creative Commons:

Creative Commons is a non profit organization that builds tools that help realize the full potential of the commons in the age of digital networks. Launched at the end of 2002, Creative Commons licenses have set the standard for sharing cultural works (i.e., "content", "media", etc.), following in the footsteps of free and open source software. Over the past five years we have also actively developed and contributed to technologies that complement its public licenses, with the aim of using software to enhance the discoverability and practical [re]usability of content -- to help users manage content, as opposed to software designed to help content manage users (i.e., DRM). In 2006 Creative Commons launched Science Commons, a project applying similar principles to science and research. ccLearn was launched in 2007 to help minimize barriers to sharing and reuse of educational materials.

Contact info:

Phone: 415-369-8480
Fax: 415-278-9419
Email: techsummit@creativecommons.org

Official Website: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Creative_Commons_Technology_Summit_2008-12-12

Added by allison at cc on November 6, 2008