20 John Prince's Street
London W1G 0BJ, England

Date: Thursday 19 March 2009
Time: 6:00 to 8:00pm presentation followed by drinks/networking until 8.45pm

Rootstein Hopkins Space - East Space
London College of Fashion
20 John Princes Street

This seminar – organised in partnership with Cockpit Arts - is for any designer-maker who is interested in working with technologies outside his or her discipline and needs to know where to start. We will explore how ambitious collaborations between craft and technology can be managed successfully with advice and insight from experienced designer-makers and guidance from a legal expert on how to protect your intellectual property rights and avoid pitfalls when collaborating with others.
Admission is Free but places are limited. To reserve your place register and book online at: http://www.own-it.org/events/details/?eventId=305

Official Website: http://www.own-it.org/events/details/?eventId=305

Added by Own-it on March 11, 2009

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