Jon Wettersten of IDEO will open the Creative Bridges series February 21 at 7:00PM. Hailing from a background encompassing both fine art and programming, Wettersten brings a broad focus to language and its role within the creative process. By forming new and novel connections, Wettersten is effectively able to surmount the traditional interdisciplinary barriers that typically stymie creative communication and invention.
In his lecture, Wettersten will explore communication across the languages of art, mathematics, programming, and music. Wettersten's topic of discussion will center on the idea that languages used during the creative and design process have themselves also been designed.
Wettersten's multi-disciplinary background includes major concentrations in mathematics, classical music and fine art—his current occupation finds him in a Senior Application Designer role at IDEO in Chicago.
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Added by multimodal on February 12, 2008