2828 SW Corbett Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

Creating New Products and Services in a Changing Wireless World

Major mobile carriers are opening up their networks to devices and applications created by other companies. New mobile phone technologies allow users to surf the web easier than ever. These changes in the wireless industry are expanding opportunities for companies in Oregon. This panel discussion will explore both US and global opportunities created by these changes and some of the challenges in pursuing those opportunities. The panel includes two successful mobile-technology entrepreneurs and an Intel executive who tracks mobile software innovations for Intel in its efforts to identify trends and potential collaborative partners.

Panel Members:

Steve Asbjornsen of Intel
Steve Asbjornsen is the creator and Director of Intel Corporation's ISV Innovation Accelerator (IIA). As part of the Software and Solutions Group, IIA focuses on identifying innovative new software applications with the potential to disrupt the software ecosystem as well as capitalize on emerging computing platforms such as mobile. Steve's group identifies Intel opportunities for collaboration or acquisition in this space.

Kevin Dent of Exit Games (PSBA Graduate Company)
Exit Games' primary product, Neutron 5.0, guarantees quick game development for a large number of platforms, including J2ME, BREW, Flash, RIM Blackberry, Windows Mobile, J2SE and .NET. Even Intel has identified the application choice and interoperability that Exit Games' Neutron offers. Kevin is its VP of Sales. He is a 14-year veteran of the mobile industry, having worked for international firms such as Esat Telecom Group, British Telecom, and 3United. While at 3United, Kevin instigated a long-term strategic project with the Swedish telecom vendor Ericsson. Through this partnership, 3United licensed Ericsson with their technology for products such as Mobile Napster.

Jon Maroney of FreeRange Communications

Jon started FreeRange Communications in 2004. The company provides RSS feeds to mobile phones and helps companies like the Portland Trail Blazers prepare content for mobile web browsers. PC Magazine just voted FreeRange the "Best Free Download" of 2008. Prior to founding FreeRange, Jon spent 12 years in the software industry, running marketing and product marketing at Extensis, a maker of software for graphic professionals and publishers (Suitcase and Portfolio), and as Director of Product Marketing and Channel Sales at Dantz Development, maker of backup software Retrospect.

Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Time: Noon - 1:15 pm

Where: Portland State Business Accelerator, Mt. Hood Conference Room - 209

2828 SW Corbett Avenue, Portland

Parking: In PSBA lot; at no charge.

Cost: Seminar and lunch: $10 in advance (must prepay by 9:30 am Apr. 30)

Seminar only: No charge. (You can bring your lunch, if desired.)

Lunch available for those who pre-register and pre-pay by April 30 at 9:30 am (the day of the event). Lunch from Ross Island Grocery & Cafe includes:

* your choice of sandwich
* bag of chips
* bottle of water or can soda

This talk is part of a series of PSBA TECH TALKS that invite entrepreneurs and technologist together to discuss leading-edge developments in technology. This series is presented in association with The Oregon Entrepreneurs Forum and The Software Association of Oregon.

Questions: call 503-725-2312

Official Website: http://www.psba.pdx.edu/programs

Added by multimodal on April 23, 2008

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