2400 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, California 94025

The Marisan Group presents:

Creating Breakthroughs - 5 Antidotes For Getting Unstuck

Sat, Apr 2, 9:00am-4:30pm, Menlo Park

MORE INFO: http://www.debcolden.com/seminar

Creating Breakthroughs - 5 Antidotes for Getting Unstuck
A workshop for professionals who aspire to success without struggle

Saturday, April 2, 2005
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Quadrus Conference Center, Menlo Park
Registration Fee: $150.00 (includes lunch)

To reserve your space visit:
For workshop information visit: www.debcolden.com/seminar

"One of the few sessions I've attended in the last 20 years that I felt was totally worth my time, money and active participation"
-- Linda Gold, President & CEO, M3iworks
Does this sound familiar?
"I've had a lot of career success in the past, but right now I feel stuck!"
"I've got a ton of things to accomplish...I'm not sure where to start"
"I'd love to follow my dreams...if only I knew what they were"

The Marisan Group invites you to a very special workshop with executive coach Deb Colden to learn how to get yourself unstuck and achieve breakthrough results that matter.

The workshop will enable you to identify important outcomes you want in your professional and personal life, and create an actionable plan to get you there. By the end of the session, you'll be able to:

* Use the dream-act-encourage(tm) model to identify professional or personal breakthrough goals that you can't wait to go after
* Diagnose when and why you may "get stuck" when thinking about a professional or personal breakthrough and have a tool kit of antidotes to overcome being stuck
* Creatively plan to overcome perceived and real barriers that get in your way
* Develop a networking plan to support your goals that is easy and achievable, even if you are not good at "networking" or hate asking for help
* And do it all with minimal stress and struggle

Saturday, April 2

Quadrus Conference Center
2500 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, CA, 94025

$150, including lunch.

Website: http://www.debcolden.com/seminar
Email: deb@debcolden.com
Phone: 408-738-0540

About The Marisan Group:
Marisan Group, sponsor of Creating Breakthroughs, provides a wide range of consulting services to high technology companies – from strategic marketing and business planning to tactical implementation of program and project deliverables. Visit us at www.marisan.com

Added by nancytubbs on February 20, 2005

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