Who's organizing?
Mitchell Levy
WHAT: Creating Books for Your Business, Next Job, and Career
COST: $20 fee until March 16, ($25 from March 17th)
DATE: March 18, 5:30-8:30pm
NOTE: Get a copy of '42 Rules for Driving Success With Books' by Mitchell Levy for free
BOOK INFO: http://42rules.com/dr...
LOCATION: Intero, 10275 N De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
REGISTER: RSVP in the space above
MAKE PAYMENT: Use this url to pay with credit card or PayPal
5:30-6:30 Signup and networking
6:30-7:30 Interactive talk with Laura Lowell
7:30-7:50 Announcements
7:50-8:30 Additional networking
42 Rules Executive Editor Laura Lowell and author of the books "42 Rules of Marketing" and "42 Rules for Working Moms" will discuss creating books for your business, your next job, and your career. The last couple events of this group were sellouts! This time, every attendee will receive a copy of "42 Rules for Driving Success With Books." Come with an idea, walk away with a strong approach to creating your book!
Please forward to someone you think would be interested.
You need your business to be top of mind with the key decision makers. You need to stand out from the crowd whether it's your business or yourself. You need a platform from which to grow. "Yeah...but, how?" is the question Author and Executive Editor Laura Lowell is asked all the time. The answer is you need to be an Author and noted expert. The good news is, it's easier than you think.
Join Laura Lowell, Author of two books and Executive Editor of the 42 Rules(tm) books series, as she shares the secrets of her success and the success of other Authors. Laura tripled her income in 3 weeks upon her book release. You will learn practical ways to turn your ideas into a book, quickly and easily using the 42 Rules process. Come with an idea and leave with the Table of Contents for your upcoming book.
$20 fee until March 16 ($25 from March 17th).
Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/HappyAbout/calendar/9819268/
Added by FullCalendar on March 5, 2009