505 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California 94111

1-Day Workshop: Creating & Delivering Product Demos

A great demo is one of the easiest ways to accelerate the sales cycle. But many companies demo themselves right out of a sale by focusing too much on what a products does, and too little on why buyers need it.
If you want to shorten your sales cycles in 2008, sign up for Creating & Delivering Product Demos a 1-day hands-on workshop that will turn your demos into value propositions instead of feature explanations. http://www.zigzagmarketing.com/demos.asp

You'll learn:
*How to uncover buyer needs both before and during a demo, so you can get straight to the point with shorter, more concise demos

*How to make your demos tell a story based on user scenarios -- instead of product scenarios -- to eliminate "irrelevant feature" questions that can sour a good demo

*When to stop talking and how to read buying signs, even if you can't see your audience

*How to give your product the edge by subtly setting traps for the competition without ever mentioning their name

*Key differences between face-to-face and web demos and how to make both equally effective

*How to respond to questions and objections confidently to keep the tone of the demo positive and convincing

*How to demo to executives versus users, and techniques for appealing to mixed audiences

Easier to Learn. Easier to Practice. Attend Product Management University and learn simple best practice techniques you can use and get benefit from immediately. No one makes product management and product marketing easier than ZIGZAG Marketing.

View our framework: http://zigzagmarketing.com/methodology.asp

2008 Course Catalog: http://www.zigzagmarketing.com/lit_request.asp

Contact Brandice Thorn at (866) 797-3647 ext 1 or bthorn@zigzagmarketing.com for more information.


Official Website: http://www.zigzagmarketing.com/

Added by FullCalendar on January 11, 2008

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