"How To Get A Rush Of Great, New, High Paying Clients To Hire You This Week!" with Certified Professional Business Coach Deanna Maio
"If you could use more clients and you'd like to get them sooner rather than later, you're going to love these proven strategies for getting a lot of clients, very quickly.
Introducing the "Client Rush " Workshop...
At this powerful event you will discover...
=> The #1 BIG mistake most people make with their marketing that they don't even realize & the fast fix that will turn this around immediately.
=> How to get potential clients excited to have a meeting with you so that they can hire you.
=> How to talk to potential clients so that they will want to hire you - right on the spot. (We're going to share a process called "Free Sessions That Sell" that will double or triple your enrollment rate while creating dramatic value for your potential clients at the same time.)
=> Key "magic" phrases that make potential clients feel ZERO pressure while moving them closer to the sale.
=> How to eliminate any fear a client may feel with making the decision to start working with you - right on the spot.
Workshop Details...
When: Saturday, April 25th from 9 AM to 12:30 PM
Where: SW Portland, Oregon
Investment: $47 "early bird" pricing till 4/23
Important Note: There are only 35 seats available for this workshop.
If you'd like to attend, register immediately.
Register & Get More Info:
Visit www.getmoreclientspdx.com or Call Deanna Maio at 503-922-2688
Your Trainer: Deanna Maio, the SavvyGals Coach, specializes in helping busy professionals stop wasting time and start making more money. She started coaching to help others get the information, support, and accountability they need to deal with the sometimes overwhelming prospect of running their business, getting healthier, or growing their career while still having a fulfilling personal life.
$47 Early Bird, $97 Regular.
Official Website: http://www.getmoreclientspdx.com
Added by FullCalendar on April 20, 2009