April 19-22, 9am to 5pm all four days
Demand for Apartment Rentals has skyrocketed. Apartment vacancies have hit a 10-Year Low and are at their lowest level since 2001. Rents are Rising Sharply and Prices at an All Time Low Making 2012 the Best Time to Make Great Returns Investing In Real Estate.
Apartment construction is poised to boom in San Francisco, where the demand is far greater than the supply right now. Rents continue rising nationwide, while hard-hit home values keep declining, according to real-estate website Zillow. "The flourishing rental market is the silver lining to the nation's housing downturn," says Stan Humphries, Zillow's chief economist.
Learn how to make passive income with cash flowing multi-unit properties.
How would you like to learn how to make hundreds of thousands of passive income a year, every year for the rest of your life by investing in multi-units instead of making tens of thousands once or twice a year flipping a house?
Here's what you'll learn at the 4-Day Boot Camp:
* Overview
* Locating
* Quick Analysis
* Making an Offer
* Financing
* Due-Diligence
* Negotiations
* Closing
* Other Bonus Topics depending on the current market situation.
Have you ever wondered why some of the most successful real estate investors own apartment buildings? Did you know that these apartment investors spend so little time working while collecting huge monthly checks?
Attend the boot camp and learn how to profit from this incredible opportunity from Anthony Chara an 'Apartment Investing' expert. He'll show you why apartments/multi-units make sense in today's market.
If you miss this Real Estate Market Tsunami you'll be kicking yourself in a few years.
Official Website: http://apartmentsbootcamp.eventbrite.com/
Added by FullCalendar on April 4, 2012