Dr. Mitra Ray is the author of Simple and Delicious Recipes for Vitality, Do You Have the Guts to be Beautiful, and From Here to Longevity
What others have said about her books, seminars and retreats:
"Mitra Ray's book is unique and very useful."
Deepak Chopra
"A must-read for expecting mothers and parents. This book will also help grandparents age healthfully."
William Sears
"I admire Dr. Ray's work and enthusiasm."
T. Colin Campbell, Author of The China Study
Join us for a dynamic & intimate presentation that will provide answers regarding diet and nutrition. Develop new strategies to look and perform your best!
*Why exercising without proper diet is not a good strategy for optimal health.
*How to get your kids to eat more vegetables.
*How to protect yourself at the molecular and cellular level.
*Learn exactly what 'they' mean, when 'they' say, "You are what you eat!"
After her amazing presentation, you'll have a new sense of the forces that govern the human body, and how you can harness them to take you and your loved ones From Here To Longevity!
Official Website: http://www.drmitraray.com
Added by FullCalendar on September 20, 2010