Art Clay consists of silver particles in a non-toxic binder and water. It looks, feels and acts just like clay. When heated, the binder and water burn away to leave 99% pure silver. A kiln or inexpensive hand held torch can be used for this process. Imagine the incredible jewelry possibilities! UNM Continuing Education is offering a class on Silver Jewelry Using Metal Clay on Saturday, August 1 from 9am-5pm. For $75 you will complete original pieces of jewelry and learn to set up a “kitchen table” studio to continue working with Art Clay on your own. Beginners will be amazed at their success. Those who have worked with Art Clay or PMC (Precious Metal Clay) before will be challenged with more difficult pieces. No previous art experience or skills are required. A material fee of $85 is payable to the instructor at the beginning of the class. Bring your lunch and a small work light and extension cord to class. For more information visit or call 277-6320.
Added by CE_Posts on July 14, 2009