696 Charles Allen Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30308

CDR is a process oriented show. The artists are asked to take a completed work (either old or new), destroy it in whatever fashion they wish, and then rebuild the pieces to create an all-new piece of art.

The various stages, including the final rebuilt pieces, will all ...be on display at the show opening JUNE 2ND from 7-10pm.


Jessica Caldas, John Paul Floyd, Romy Maloon, Kelly McKernan, Kelly O'Brien, Sam Parker. Dorothy Stucki

This is the second edition of this show. Check out the 2009 edition here: http://www.beepbeepgallery.com/index.php?option=com_easygallery&act=categories&cid=95&Itemid=53

Official Website: http://beepbeepgallery.com

Added by Beep Beep Gallery on May 23, 2012

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