Ok then...the votes are in, and the results have been tabulated by a highly independent third-party auditor.
The February Edition of the Cream City flickr Photowalk will take place on February 17, 2006 (third Saturday of the month, just like last time) at 2:30 PM (just like last time). We will meet at Highbury Pub on South KK (umm...not like last time). If the Highbury Pub isn't open for some strange reason, the back-up plan is Bayview Family Diner, which is just across the street.
Everyone is extremely welcome, especially the socially phobic and those who say, "I always do photography alone." We had a blast last time (as evidenced by the photos!), and the January Edition was a great way to make new friends, share thoughts about equipment, and discuss technique (Are there any other pinholers out there, per chance?)
Being part of a group really allowed us to meet and photograph people that I personally would have been too shy to otherwise meet.
If you really, really want to walk alone, you can always share a beer or coffee with the group, and then do you own photowalk. The south KK area has lots of possibilities, and lots of places to stop for hot chocolate if it's cold.
Going forward, if you can't make this one, maybe you could go ahead and pencil in March 17, April 21, June 16, etc. (i.e. third Saturdays). If we get to the point where nobody is interested, I'll sob a tear in my beer and never broach the idea again. At the beginning of each month, let's have a discussion about where to go and the time to meet (probably slightly later start times in spring and summer I'm guessing?)
Any takers for this month? I sure do hope so!
Official Website: http://www.flickr.com/groups/52241382593%40N01/discuss/72157594498949522/
Added by chrishemmerly on February 4, 2007