Come create some crazy concoctions at the Children’s Museum in Easton to kick off our Summer Drop-in Days on Tuesday July 3rd. Come in anytime between 1-3 PM and dress for a mess! You will read the recipe, measure the ingredients and stir up crazy concoctions with just using everyday items. Get ready to be up to your elbows in fun!
Drop in to the Children’s Museum in Easton for some summer fun every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday July 3 - August 24! Drop-in Days explore a variety of different fun and educational themes. Each day has its own theme featuring a combination of expert presenters with hands-on arts and crafts and science activities designed for both fun and learning. Summer Drop-in Days take place in the Museum’s outdoor facility The Wild Place, where kids can play, learn about nature, explore the many gardens, or just sit and relax under a shady tree on a hot day. "Drop in Days" are free with admission and any age can participate. No registration is required. All Summer Drop-in Days are weather permitting. For a complete schedule of the Summer Drop-in Days check out our website,
The Museum is located in the Old Fire Station on Sullivan Avenue in North Easton Village. Admission is $7.50 per person, members and children under 1 are free. For more information call The Children's Museum in Easton at (508) 230-3789 or check our website,
Added by cme417 on June 12, 2012