“Crazy Comedians Out of Bounds” is a comedy performance that displays the latest comedian talent in South Florida. Headed by DUKE, a crazy alter-ego comedian; BABE RUTH, the funny "white ghetto" and SISQO, the storyteller that bets he'll make you laugh.
The three man crew can deliver some of the best comedy audiences have ever seen, and they are ready to go out of bounds and deliver great performances to make for one interesting night of comedy.
Official Website: http://leadingcomedians.com/stage84.html
Added by migratorylovebirds on October 21, 2009
I am looking forward to seeing comedy at this cafe. I met Babe Ruth at Publix yesterday. It sounds like the show will be a lot of fun.
I saw Duke Stephens & SISQO at the Improv in the Hard Rock Paradise. They are the best comedians that I have seen in South Florida with the exception of Robin Williams that I saw on Oct. 21st. However, they are ranked high in my book for local comedians.
I love it that we now have comedy at a good price in more local venue to my house in Sunrise. I am only 15 minutes away from Stage 84. I will be there with 3 other friends.